Lesson 4 of 4
In Progress

Step 3 ‘Connecting to Your Animals Intuitively’

Starting the Conversation:

Follow the guided meditation below to connect your heart centre with the heart centre of your animal to begin your communication with them.

Continuing and Building the Conversation:

Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will ability to be fluent in the silent language. Mastery in anything takes time but you will find the rewards to having two-way conversations is simply amazing and a game changer in the relationship that you share with your beloved animals. Take the time to learn this language with great clarity as it will change the your life and that of your animals. 


Canine Astrology


Secret Life Of Cats


Congratulations on completing Talk To Your Animals in 3 Easy Steps. This is just the introductory phase of animal communication for your next steps on YOUR JOURNEY OF ANIMAL COMMUNICATION.

What are your next steps? If you would like to become more fluent in the silent language of animals please contact Trisha so she can help you reach the heights of communication with animals that are possible.

Did You know there are 5 different levels of animal communication? Contact Trisha now to find out what they are and how you can work with Trisha.
